
I made my first big career change in the midst of middle-age, becoming self-employed. The freedom of my new work life led to an active interest in personal finance and investing. My original, and only, super fund was an industry fund so I have made the move to a self-managed super fund. I established my fund with the aid of a business partner and later got on to Kingston & Knight Audit through word of mouth. I was sweating a bit when it came time for my first SMSF compliance audit, but Kingston & Knight Audit took care of it in a matter of days. Overall their professional auditors have been very helpful and reliable. I know I can call them to help me deal with any issues and will definitely be using them for my next SMSF audit.
D. Pugh
Can’t speak highly enough of the team at Kingston & Knight Audit, great customer service and communication. We run a community services organisation and because of its structure (company limited by guarantee) we are required to have an independent auditor appointed at all times and occasionally undertake compliance audits. Kingston & Knight Audit recently took over as our appointed auditors and so far have had nothing but great experiences with them. Not only are their services more fairly priced and reliable, we don’t even hesitate to pick up the phone if we need to ask about something or get something checked.
K. Lehmann
After we get ourselves into a hard situation, it was Kingston & Knight Audit that help to get us back on our feet. Some family members got caught in a scheme that cost us almost everything. When we found the courage to take action and got the great legal help, it was Kingston & Knight Audit who identified, obtained and prepared the evidence that was needed in the case. It is still an ongoing process but we would have not even had any hope without this evidence. We had no idea about forensic auditing and investigative auditing, but we know now that it is a truly great service that can help many people. Kingston & Knight Audit are very good at helping you with anything you don’t know about during that process.
A. Harada
If you’re looking for investment to get something up and running and need assurance services, Kingston & Knight Audit is the best I’ve come across. Especially if you are still establishing your offering and don’t have much weight behind you, these guys actually listen to you and treat their clients in a professional manner. Got on to KNA through my accountant and they helped me prepare my financial information before making my first serious pitch. Their auditing is incredibly thorough. I learned what I had to do better finance wise and sorted out all the missing links. As assurance, their auditor’s report is excellent and their services are fairly priced so I didn’t get bogged down in the assurance process.
B. Callaghan
Kingston & Knight Audit has revived our organisation and done so with great communication and service, fairness, and honesty. The organisation I work for had some serious issues with its structure and control processes after downsizing over recent years. The downsizing measures were poorly coordinated and hastily executed, so that at the end of it we barely knew what we were meant to do next. We still needed to know what we were doing wrong and where the money was going. Our options were running out when we found Kingston & Knight Audit, who recommended we engage them for a thorough internal audit and risk review. They quickly helped us fill in the gaps in our financial planning and management processes whilst auditing the organisation as a whole. Their recommendations enabled us to preserve the organisation and get back on the path to real growth.
CS. Jemsek